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General information

Useful guides about API references, supported output formats, accepted link formats, etc.
HTTP response status codes
General information
These status codes are the Internet equivalent of a conversation between your browser and the server.
Image - API representation
General information
The image resource represents an image in Shardimage.
Firewall - API representation
General information
The firewall resource represents a firewall in Shardimage.
Access token - API representation
General information
The access token resource represents an access token in Shardimage.
Cloud - API representation
General information
The cloud resource represents a cloud in Shardimage.
Super backup - API representation
General information
The super backup resource represents a cloud in Shardimage.
Job - API representation
General information
The job resource represents a job in Shardimage.
Ping - API representation
General information
The ping resource represents a ping in Shardimage.
Billing - API representation
General information
Resources for billing data.
Notification URLs
General information
What is notification URL feature in Shardimage system and how to use it to get the maximum out of it.
Super backup log - API representation
General information
The Super Backup Log resource represents a Super Backup Log in Shardimage.
Performing a multipart releated upload
General information
This page describes how to make a multipart upload request in the Shardimage API. A multipart upload request allows you to send metadata along with the data (image) to upload.
Link of resource
General information
Detailed list of accepted link formats.
Supported output formats
General information
List of supported output formats.
General information
Details about Shardimage API projections
Performing a multipart mixed (batch) request
General information
When you make multiple (batch) API request, you use a special URI which is always: POST /multipart/mixed