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Link of resource

The following table contains the detailed list of accepted link formats.

scheme format description example note
facebook facebook://pages/{page-id} Facebook Page profile photo facebook://page/shardimage -
fb fb://pages/{page-id} alias of facebook fb://page/shardimage -
http standard HTTP URL Standard HTTP https://www.google.com/tia/tia.png -
https standard HTTP URL Standard HTTPS http://www.google.com/tia/tia.png -
youtube youtube://{video-id} Youtube video thumbnail youtube://MyjiU8plMR4 -
cloudinary cloudinary://{cloud id}/{public ID} Cloudinary image cloudinary://demo/lady.jpg Public access required
commons commons://{path1}/{path12}/{object.ext} Wikimedia commons image commons://9/9f/Coala_Logo.svg -
gs gs://{bucket}/{path-of-object} Google Cloud Storage object gs://mybucket/path/myobject.jpg Access required
aws aws://{bucket}:{region}/{path-of-object} Amazon S3 object awd://mybucket:us-east-1/path/myobject.jpg Access required
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