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URL referencies

Everything you need to now about the anatomy and the usage options of URLs.
URL structure
URL referencies
It's for serving images (with or without real time transformations) stored on Shardimage.com or in an external source e.g. Facebook.com.
URL resource type and link
URL referencies
This is where you need to reference to the base image that you need to transform and service.
URL SEO postfix
URL referencies
Optional ending can be provided to the URL that is mainly useful for, e.g.: SEO purposes, but contains the download filename as well in the browser.
URL protection
URL referencies
Serves to protect the URL, so third parties cannot modify its content. This has significance in the expenses of CU and other service specific aspects (e.g.: full size images are behind a paywall, etc.)
URL referencies
The option part allows you to affect and control the operation of the URL and its other aspects
Source version
URL referencies
This serves to put a version number on the source.
Finding errors
URL referencies
The system provides a text-based, easily understandable feedback on all errors. The error is containted under the `X-Error` header. If there is an error, an 1x1 pixel size transparent gif will be displayed.
URL length limitation
URL referencies
When transforming an image, you need to consider the length of the result URL.
Default image serving - set placeholder images for your website
URL referencies
There is the option to provide a reserve public ID, therefore avoiding the error 404 response for the URL.