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URL structure

Image serving URL

It’s for serving images (with or without real time transformations) stored on Shardimage.com or in an external source e.g. Facebook.com. You can use the URL to download the uploaded original image as well as to display it in applications.


{protocol}://{host}:{port}/{cloud id}[/{secure}][/{options}][/{transformation}][/v/{resource version}][/d/{default public ID}]/{resource type + resouce link}[/seo/{seo name}]

The content in the square brackets is optional; if they aren’t necessary, you can leave them out.

  • protocol: HTTP or HTTPS
  • host: the domain that you want to use for serving;; the default is img.shardimage.com, wich already is under a CDN
  • port: port value; Shardimage servers listen on 80 and 443 ports
  • {cloud id}: cloud ID; you will be charged to this cloud after the operations that have been done
  • {secure}: a descriptor that guarantees that the URL would not be modified; Learn more »
  • {options}: options, e.g. how long the URL stays active, what the http cache times should be, etc; Learn more »
  • {transformation}: image transformation descriptors, e.g. how large the image should be, what effects should be applied, etc; Learn more »
  • {resource version}: the version of the source that defines which version of the source you want to use; Learn more »
  • {resource type + resouce link & other}: source that needs to be serviced with transformation or in its original form; Learn more »
    • composition: the type of the source (e.g. Shardimage, HTTP, etc.) + the exact location of the source (e.g. public ID, HTTP address, etc.)
  • {seo name}: SEO designation; you can choose an arbitrary name, which will be (since it is located at the end of the URL) displayed in search engine results, as default download filenames, etc; Learn more »
  • {default public ID}: a public ID to ensure that the image serving takes place even when the original image is corrupt


  • modifications during each use of the CDN will result in a new transformation in the URL, except if the CDN supports a method of inside URL manipulation

  • the source version currently serves only to go around the cache of the CDN. The system itself does not store other than the most up-to-date version of the image on one specific public ID; remote contents will be downloaded at the time of the requests.

  • the secure part includes the domain name as well, so you will need to separately generate it in the case of two separate domains or any level of subdomains

  • the secure part does not include the protocol, so identical links are available through http and https as well - this might pose as a problem in the case of not using CDN, since using both links equals two times as many transformations.

  • limitation on the URL length, for more information, please read our documentation here »

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