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Super backup - API representation

The super backup resource represents a cloud in Shardimage.

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource Representation

Super backup resource

  "cloud": cloudResource,
  "deleteDelay": unsigned int|null,
  "copyDelay": unsigned int,
  "createdAt": unsigned int,
  "updatedAt": unsigned int,
  "logLife": unsigned int,
  "loggingSuccessfulOperations": boolean
  "target": targetResource,
  "task": taskResouce
Property name Value Description Notes
cloud cloudResource Basic information of cloud. read-only
deleteDelay unsigned int or null Image delete delay from the cloud [s], never deletes if null
copyDelay unsigned int Copy delay [s]
createdAt unsigned int Creation time of the super backup
updatedAt unsigned int Last update time
logLife unsigned int Days to keep logs [days]
loggingSuccessfulOperations boolean
target targetResource Target resource for backing up images
task taskResouce Backup task resource

Cloud resource

  "id": string,
  "name": string
Property name Value Description Notes
id string ID of the cloud read only
name string Name of the cloud read only

Super backup list resource

  "nextPageToken": bool|string,
  "totalCount": unsigned int,
  "items": cloudResource[]
Property name Value Description Notes
nextPageToken bool or string
totalCount unsigned int
items cloudResource[]

Target resource

Amazon target

  "prefix": string,
  "type": string,
  "accessKey": string,
  "secretKey": string,
  "storageClass": string,
  "region": string,
Property name Value Description Notes
prefix string Prefix for the backed up image name
type string Target type amazon
accessKey string Access key of Amazon aws s3.
secretKey string Secret key of Amazon aws s3.
storageClass string Name of the storage class.
region string Name of the Amazon S3 region.

Cloudinary target

  "prefix": string,
  "type": string,
  "cloudName": string,
  "apiKey": string,
  "apiSecret": string,
Property name Value Description Notes
prefix string Prefix for the backed up image name
type string Target type cloudinary
cloudName string Cloudinary Cloud name
apiKey string Cloudinary Api Key.
apiSecret string Cloudinary Api Secret

Google Cloud Storage target

  "prefix": string,
  "type": string,
Property name Value Description Notes
prefix string Prefix for the backed up image name
type string Target type googleCloudStorage

Microsoft Azure Storage target

  "prefix": string,
  "type": string,
  "accountName": string,
  "accountKey": string,
Property name Value Description Notes
prefix string Prefix for the backed up image name
type string Target type microsoftAzureStorage
accountName string Account name of Microsoft Azure Storage.
accountKey string Account key of Microsoft Azure Storage.

Task resource

We can set up additional tasks for an existing super backup. It can be: - forceCopyAll - Backup all images even if it was already backed up - scanAgainAndCopy - Scan the cloud and backup only the images which were not backed up yet

  "type": string|null,
  "status": string|null,
Property name Value Description Notes
type string / null Type of task. It can be forceCopyAll or scanAgainAndCopy.
status string / null Status of the task. read only


Name Description
noTarget Without target data


Available methods for Super Backups resources are as follows:

  • create: Creates a new super backup.
  • view: Returns the specified super backup.
  • exists: Fast way to check if the super backup exists on cloud or not.
  • list: Retrieves a list of super backups matching the criteria.
  • update: Updates and add additional task to an existing super backup.
  • delete: Permanently deletes the super backup from the cloud, also from every connection.
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