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Super backup: update

For more details about super backup tasks, click here.


HTTP request

PUT /super-backup/v1/<cloudId> HTTP/1.1


PATCH /super-backup/v1/<cloudId> HTTP/1.1


Paramete name Value Description
Path parameters
cloudId String ID of cloud

Request Body

Property name Value Description
copyDelay unsigned int Delay for copying images [sec]
deleteDelay unsigned int/null Delay for deleting images [sec] after backing up, no deletion if null
logLife unsigned int Days to keep the backup log [days]
task task resouce Additional taskĀ 


If successful, this method returns a Super backup resource in the response body.

Response HTTP status code

HTTP status code Description
200 Success, returns with cloud resource

Rate limit

Detailed information for cloud rate limitation is available on Shardimage developers.


use shardimage\shardimagephp\auth\Client;
use shardimage\shardimagephp\models\superbackup\Task;
$client = new Client([
    'apiKey' => '<apiKey>',
    'apiSecret' => '<apiSecret>',
    'imageSecret' => '<imageSecret>',
try {
    $superBackup = $client->getSuperBackupService()->view('<cloudId>');
    $superBackup->target->apiSecret = '<cloudinaryApiSecret>';        // Cloudinary secure data, need to set at every new request
    $task = new Task();
    $task->type = Task::TASK_SCAN_AGAIN_AND_COPY;
    $superBackup->copyDelay = 10;
    $superBackup->logLife = 2;
    $superBackup->task = $task;
    $superBackup = $client->getSuperBackupService()->update($superBackup);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handling the error
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