Class shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http


HTTP helper methods and constants.

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$statuses shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
buildHeaders() Builds the headers from an array. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
buildHttpMessage() Builds the HTTP message. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http


Hide inherited constants

ConstantValueDescriptionDefined By
CONTENT_TYPE_FILE 'application/octet-stream' File content type. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
CONTENT_TYPE_JSON 'application/json' Json content type. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_ACCEPT 'Accept' Accept header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'Accept-Encoding' Accept encoding header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'Accept-Language' Accept language header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_CONTENT_ID 'Content-ID' Content ID header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH 'Content-Length' Content length header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' Content transfer encoding header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE 'Content-Type' Content Type header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_EXPECT 'Expect' Expect header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH 'If-None-Match' ETag header. shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_ACCEPTED 202 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_CREATED 201 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_FOUND 302 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED 304 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_NO_CONTENT 204 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http
STATUS_OK 200 shardimage\shardimagephpapi\web\Http

Property Details

$statuses public static property
public static $statuses = [100 => 'Continue'101 => 'Switching Protocols'102 => 'Processing'118 => 'Connection timed out'200 => 'OK'201 => 'Created'202 => 'Accepted'203 => 'Non-Authoritative'204 => 'No Content'205 => 'Reset Content'206 => 'Partial Content'207 => 'Multi-Status'208 => 'Already Reported'210 => 'Content Different'226 => 'IM Used'300 => 'Multiple Choices'301 => 'Moved Permanently'302 => 'Found'303 => 'See Other'304 => 'Not Modified'305 => 'Use Proxy'306 => 'Reserved'307 => 'Temporary Redirect'308 => 'Permanent Redirect'310 => 'Too many Redirect'400 => 'Bad Request'401 => 'Unauthorized'402 => 'Payment Required'403 => 'Forbidden'404 => 'Not Found'405 => 'Method Not Allowed'406 => 'Not Acceptable'407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required'408 => 'Request Time-out'409 => 'Conflict'410 => 'Gone'411 => 'Length Required'412 => 'Precondition Failed'413 => 'Request Entity Too Large'414 => 'Request-URI Too Long'415 => 'Unsupported Media Type'416 => 'Requested range unsatisfiable'417 => 'Expectation failed'418 => 'I\'m a teapot'421 => 'Misdirected Request'422 => 'Unprocessable entity'423 => 'Locked'424 => 'Method failure'425 => 'Unordered Collection'426 => 'Upgrade Required'428 => 'Precondition Required'429 => 'Too Many Requests'431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large'449 => 'Retry With'450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls'500 => 'Internal Server Error'501 => 'Not Implemented'502 => 'Bad Gateway or Proxy Error'503 => 'Service Unavailable'504 => 'Gateway Time-out'505 => 'HTTP Version not supported'507 => 'Insufficient storage'508 => 'Loop Detected'509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'510 => 'Not Extended'511 => 'Network Authentication Required']

Method Details

buildHeaders() public static method

Builds the headers from an array.

public static string buildHeaders ( $headers )
$headers array

Headers in array

buildHttpMessage() public static method

Builds the HTTP message.

public static string buildHttpMessage ( $firstline, $headers, $body )
$firstline string

Request/status line

$headers string

HTTP headers

$body mixed

HTTP body